Governance – BwN in society


‘Building with nature’ initiatives seek for integration of multiple stakes and sectors in society. For support and societal acceptance, a larger array of stakeholders needs to be involved, preferably early in the process. Achieving broad acceptance of the building with nature concept is complex and requires new skills and sensitivity of BwN developers. This section on governance aims to provide basic insights and guidance for steering a BwN idea towards successful implementation in a society full of assertive citizens. Dealing with stakeholders in a structural way may seem time-consuming, but in later project stages broad acceptance will help to regain the time lost. Moreover, integrating ideas from unusual partners will often increase the value of a project.

A ‘Building with nature’ design also has to be navigated through a legal framework of regulations and procedures. Obviously, BwN has great potential to improve opportunities for nature; however, nature regulations often aim at conservation of eco-systems and less at developing eco-systems. A BwN developer needs to understand the main procedures and the language used in the world of law. This requires patience and specific expertise, but again, an investment early on will save time later.

Finally, project arrangements, determining the business side of a project, require some extra thought. In a BwN approach the arrangements may have to deal with more partners than usual, including, for example, a nature conservation organization. Furthermore, a contract needs to be flexible enough to deal with the nature-dimension and inherent uncertainties of this approach. A necessary condition to follow through with a project is that all parties involved are able and willing to stand for the joint goal, and to accept the consequences and uncertainties associated with the BwN-approach. Ideas for innovative contracting are provided in this section on governance.

Governance assessment and scopingInnovative Contracting for BwN
Report workshop PIANC EnviCom Working Group 214 in January 1Report workshop PIANC EnviCom Working Group 214 in January 2
How to embed the building with nature approach in the part of society involved in and touched upon by the project?On the formats for contractual arrangements, during procurement and during implementation, that provide for the amount of flexibility enabling building with nature approaches.