Elevating Nature-based Solutions
NL2120 stands for using the power of natural systems to tackle the societal challenges of today and tomorrow: Nature-based Solutions. Together with 25 partners – engineers, farmers, nature lovers, scientists and businesses – we are building a future in which nature and technology go hand in hand. By sharing knowledge and applying it in practice, we create resilient areas that are ready for a sustainable future.
View the NL2120 website here.
NL2120 is a partnership in which several Dutch companies, knowledge institutions and governments bundle their resources and expertise around Nature-based Solutions. Unique in its kind. Rarely have so many Dutch parties, with different backgrounds, brought together their knowledge around this theme on this scale. This partnership consists of knowledge organizations, educational institutions, companies, green social organizations and governments.
Our partners
The partners in the NL2120 consortium are Stichting EcoShape, the province of Friesland, the municipalities of Dordrecht and Rotterdam, Staatsbosbeheer, knowledge institutions Deltares, Wageningen University & Research, TU Delft, TU Twente, Utrecht University and a wide range of NGOs (ARK Rewilding NL, De Noordzee, IUCN NL, IVN, Natuur & Milieu, Natuur & Milieu Federaties, Natuurmonumenten, SoortenNL, Vogelbescherming and WWF-NL) and representatives of the vocational education CoE Delta Platform, CoE Groen and CIV Groen (Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences & HZ UAS).
NL2120 is co-financed by the National Growth Fund .
Awards and Recognition