EcoShape Next Steps Webinar

Last year was an important year for EcoShape. We finished some of our pilot projects, published our book, launched a new website, guidelines and white papers, organised a large number of events. Further, we were actively involved in many events organised by others, last but not least the Climate Adaptation Summit which took place in January.

Even if during the last ten years we covered a lot of ground, the mainstreaming of Building with Nature has just started. We will thus continue our adventure with the Building with Nature programme because we believe Building with Nature is the way forward to realize sustainable development ambitions in the water sector. In 2021 we start with a new formula, centred around a community of like-minded professionals and a few consortia (organised in so-called tables) of private and public parties, knowledge institutes and NGO’s, investigating topics, carrying out pilots, programmes or projects.

On March 31, starting 9:00 AM CET, EcoShape will announce the start of the next phase of the Building with Nature programme. Please save-the-date! We will organise an informational webinar to present the new setting of the Building with Nature program and to discuss how you can be part of our new adventure. This webinar will be followed by more focused events around specific activities.

Join the webinar here: