Adaptive monitoring and execution of dredging operations

Practical Applications

The Guide to Adaptive Monitoring and Execution of Dredging Operations has not been practically used within the Building with Nature programme. To our knowledge, other fully adaptive dredging projects that show similarities with our approach do not yet exist. However, a more detailed evaluation of the main indicators for monitoring coral reefs following from this guide has been carried out within the Building with Nature programme. This evaluation contains straightforward and science-based analyses that show how to weigh and select the best indicators and parameters for use in the adaptive framework.

The Guide allows more transparent and structured execution of dredging projects allowing, where needed, the involvement of other sectors (NGOs, knowledge institutes, governments and privates companies). It is this application of the guidelines that ameliorates: 

  • the socio-economic context (present  economical and aesthetical functions, social acceptance);
  • the administrative context (legal, political, strategic aspects);
  • the physical context (environmental and technical conditions).