EcoShape has moved to a new location! The EcoShape team has moved from a temporary space hosted by partner Arcadis in their Amersfoort office, to just a short 10 minute walk away at Utrechtsweg 9.
Sharing this new space with the EcoShape team, to ensure optimal coordination and reduced costs, will be the new knowledge programme, NL2120. In this programme, governments, nature organisations, engineering firms, dredging companies and knowledge and professional institutions work together on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for major challenges in the areas of climate, nature-inclusive agriculture, biodiversity and housing. NL2120, which is financed through the National Growth Fund, is one of the largest partnerships in the world in the field of NbS.
Director of EcoShape, Stefan Aarninkhof, “This is a major step for our BwN III program, as having our own EcoShape – home again marks the importance of the work that we are undertaking and will facilitate the necessary collaboration and inspiration that we as EcoShape are standing for.”
Director of NL2120, Alex Hekman: “I’m so happy with it. We have visited everything in this region, but this building really stood out. You can walk to the station in a few minutes, it has nice spaces where we can shape a creative process, and you can occasionally accommodate larger groups there. At this location, all work flows can come together on fixed days to work together.”