Webinar and white paper: Scaling investment in NbS along coasts in emerging countries

On January 25 EcoShape officially launched the white paper Scaling investment in NbS along coasts in emerging countries in a webinar.

Half of the world’s population lives and works in deltas. These areas are under great pressure due to climate change and sea-level rise. Coastal erosion, loss of biodiversity and more frequent flooding are an increasing threat.

Projects implementing Nature-based Solutions demonstrate that these multi-functional solutions are an attractive answer to the multitude of challenges facing coasts and deltas. Yet despite increasing popularity of the concept and ambitions for scaling up investment in NbS, application in practice is lagging behind.

Over the past decade, EcoShape, a unique collaboration between scientists, engineers, builders, designers, NGOs, and governments, has designed, realized, monitored, and studied such projects. Hosting a 30-min talkshow, EcoShape opens the discussion about attractive pathways for scaling up investment in NbS along coasts in emerging countries. Key actors such as local governments, development finance institutes, and the private sector bring their perspective to the table.

Watch the webinar here:

Webinar Scaling investment in NbS along coasts in emerging countries