Restoring seagrass meadows



  • Boer, W. D., (2007). Seagrass-sediment interactions, positive feedbacks and critical thresholds for occurrence: a review. Hydrobiologia 591: 5-24.
  • Garcia, E., Duarte, C.M., Marba, N., Terrados, J., Kennedy, H., Fortes, M.D. and Tri, N.H. (2003). Sediment deposition and production in SE-Asia seagrass meadows. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 56: 909-919.
  • Short, F., Carruthers, T., Dennison, W. and Waycott, M. (2007). Global seagrass distribution and diversity: A bioregional model. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 350: 3-20.
  • Koch, E. W. (2001). Beyond Light: Physical, Geological, and Geochemical Parameters as possible Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Requirements. Estuaries, 24(1): 1-17.
  • Madsen, J.D., Chambers, P.A., James, W.F., Koch, E.W. and Westlake, D.F. (2001). The interaction between water movement, sediment dynamics and submersed macrophytes. Hydrobiologia 444: 71-84.
  • Heide, T. van der, Elköf, J.S., Nes, E.H. van, Zee, E.M. van der, Donadi, S., Weerman, E.J., Olff, H. and Klemens Eriksson, B. (2012). Ecosystem Enginering by Seagrasses Interacts with Grazing to Shape an Intertidal Landscape. PLoS ONE 7:(8): e42060.
  • Koch, E.W. (2009). Sediment resuspension in a shallow Thalassia testudinum banks ex König bed. Aqualic Botany 65: 269-280.


  • World seagrass distribution
    Short, F., Carruthers, T., Dennison, W. and Waycott, M., 2007. Global seagrass distribution and diversity: A bioregional model. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 350:3-20
  • Seagrass at ECP. Photos taken by Johan Stapel.
  • Drains at ECP. Photos taken by Daniel Martens.
  • Waves arriving at the ECP beach. Photo taken by Daniel Martens.