The pilot projects in Dordrecht and Rotterdam were initiated when the municipality of Dordrecht searched for partners to advance their aim to greenify the city and to strengthen her name as an ‘innovative water city’ and when Rotterdam initiated the programme ‘Rivier als Getijdepark’ (English: ‘River as a tidal park’) (Boer et al. 2014) in which EcoShape participated.
Wervenpark Dordrecht (Shipyard park)
The Municipality of Dordrecht aimed to strengthen her name as an ‘innovative water city’, to greenify the city and the island of Dordrecht and to educate and show that the city is positioned on an island. To advance these goals, the Municipality found a partner in the Building with Nature consortium Ecoshape, which presently has as one of the main goals to show that Building with Nature in actual projects is effective.
The redevelopment site of Stadswerven Dordrecht (Shipyard Dordrecht), located between the tidal rivers Beneden-Merwede and the Wantij, was selected as the perfect area to combine the goals of Ecoshape and the Municipality of Dordrecht. Financial aid was obtained from the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD).
Park Mallegat Rotterdam (Mallegatpark) and port of Nassau Rotterdam (Nassauhaven)
Within the program ‘Rivier als Getijdepark’ (English: ‘River as a tidal park’) (Boer et al. 2014), initiated by the Municipality of Rotterdam, with participation of Ecoshape, two pilot locations were selected. Next to the Municipality of Rotterdam and Ecoshape this program is joined by numerous partners including Rijkswaterstaat (national water authority), the Province of Zuid-Holland, several municipalities in the Rotterdam region and the Port of Rotterdam. All partners have individual ambitions to be carried out within the programme diverting from upgrading liveability to increasing ecological value or enhancing water quality.