Mussel Seed Capture Installations


Abstract: To reduce the impact of the mussel seed fisheries on wild mussel beds mussel seed capture installations (MZI) (Dutch: MosselZaadInvang installatie) are developed. The aim is that in the long term the MZI installations can supply the mussel seed which is needed for mussel cultivation.
Landscapes: Sandy coasts
Technological Readiness level: 7 (system prototype demonstration in operational environment)
Keywords: fishing, structure, mussels, protection

Certain coastal waters of the Netherlands, e.g. the Waddenzee and the Delta area, have great ecological value. This value is expressed by the protection of these areas by European law (Nature Conservation Act or the European Birds and Habitats Directive). Mussel seed fishery in these areas may impede with these laws. By using mussel seed capture installations (MZI) the impact of the mussel seed fisheries on wild mussel beds can be reduced. At the moment of writing the musselfarmers are in a transition process from fishing seed to collecting seed.