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- Schlooz, G. (2012). Convex coastline induced rip currents at the Sand Engine Delft University of Technology, M.Sc. Thesis
- Swinkels, C. (2012) Assessment of the hydrodynamic modelling of rip currents at Vlugtenburg. Deltares report 1204386-000
- Winter, G. (2012). Rip current characteristics at the Dutch coast: Egmond aan Zee. Delft University of Technology, M.Sc. Thesis
- Pilot study Forecasting Swimmer Safety, Rip Current Symposium, 2012.
- Estimation of Bathymetries from Remote-Sensed Images for Real-time Forecasting, Rip Current Symposium, 2012
- Field Observations of Rip Currents in Wind-sea Dominated Environments, Rip Current Symposium, 2012
- Nearshore Operational Model for Rip Current Predictions, AGU, 2012.