Governance assessment and scoping

How to Use

As the feasibility of BwN-approaches depends critically on the connection with society and decision makers, the following governance aspects need to be considered:

  • Stakeholder Network Management: how to connect? – Serious success factors for BwN are: understanding the basic mechanisms of decision making; consciously involving crucial organizations and networks; and using credible arguments in interaction.
  • Regulatory context: how to handle regulations strategically? – BwN interventions shall be scanned against rules and regulations for risks and opportunities and to anticipate differences in procedures timely. 
  • Knowledge context: how to create a strategy? – BwN solutions are generally supported with expert knowledge in order to investigate enabling and constraining knowledge factors for realizing a BwN design, including handling uncertainties through assistance by knowledge providers?
  • Realisation framework: how to arrange realisation? – Organisational aspects of the realisation of BwN within a concrete project environment need to be understood: how to build organisational and contractual arrangements which support the realisation of BwN-type projects.