Governance for sustainable restoration – Veluwe Randmeren


Location: The lakes Drontermeer, Veluwemeer, Wolderwijd and Nuldernauw between the Nijkerkersluis and the Roggebotsluis close to the city of Kampen
Date: 1996- 2012
Involved Parties: 19 governmental parties and 21 societal organisations
Technology Readiness Level: 6 (Governance lessons from the field)
Environment: Lakes and Rivers
Keywords: Integrated approach, water quality, stakeholder involvement, communication, planning, project organization

The Veluwerandmeren were formed after the creation of the eastern part of the province of Flevoland. It is a diverse but fragile area with a variety of functions. The project Veluwerandmeren is initiated in 1996 to integrate different legislation and plans for the area and is a cooperation between 19 governmental agencies.

The goal of the project is to maintain and strengthen the balance between recreation, nature and economics. The governance aspects of this project are analysed in order to define lessons learned for the Building with Nature pilots. 
