Adaptive monitoring of sand extraction areas – Maasvlakte 2 extension

Lessons Learned

The MV2 monitoring program is a good example on how to meet the monitoring requirements as set by the authorities without unnecessary monitoring efforts.

Evaluation of the MV2 monitoring program with regard to adaptive monitoring showed that:

  • Based on a thorough motivation, the initiating stakeholder was allowed by the authorities to deviate from the permit requirements in the monitoring program of MV2.
  • The extensive monitoring program of MV2 already included several adaptive strategies. The adaptations were, however, related to the monitoring itself, rather than the execution of extraction work.

Applying the Frame of Reference (see Frame of Reference tool) to the MV2 monitoring program showed that:

  • Almost all elements of the ‘basic’ frame of reference can be found in the monitoring program of MV2, leading to a successful and coherent approach. The desired state is included for each element and, in combination with the evaluation procedure, enables adaptive monitoring.
  • The main ‘white spot’ is the lack of an intervention procedure which specifies what can be done to bring the system into a desired state.