Interactive Dredge Planning Tool – Singapore



  • Becker, J., van Eekelen, E., van Wiechen, J., de Lange, W., Damsma, T., Smolders, T. and van Koningsveld, M., 2015. Estimating source terms for far field dredge plume modelling. Journal of environmental management149, pp.282-293.
  • Deltares. 2011. User Manual Delft3D-Part, version 2.14.
  • Van Doorn – Groen, Stéphanie M., 2007. ‘Environmental monitoring and management of reclamations works close to sensitive habitats’. In: Terra et Aqua, number 108, September 2007.
  • Van Maren, Bas, 2011. ‘Tides and residual flows around Singapore’.
  • Van Rijn, Leo C., 1993. ‘Principles of sediment transport in rivers, estuaries and coastal seas’. Aqua Publications, ISBN: 90-800356-2-9

Suggestions for further reading about the Interactive Dredging Tool: